Tutoring Resources2022-05-26T20:45:47+00:00

Browse our archive of learning and Tutoring Resources for students of all ages and subject areas. Still have questions? Contact us today to discuss a personalized in-home or online tutoring plan for your academic success.

Why Is Summer Learning Loss Such A Big Problem

SUMMER LEARNING LOSS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM Our children are sponges full of information and summer does a really great job of wringing them out and pouring all of that information they soaked up down the drain! In the fall, they come to school rested, sun-tanned and…well…clueless! Getting back all of that lost information that they learned the previous year is a struggle. TAKE A LOOK AT THESE STATISTICS: The [...]

How Back To School Tutoring Can Make This Year Your Best

Getting a tutor as or before school gets underway can kick your child's learning into high gear after summer! Beyond helping your children comprehend what they’re learning or will be learning in school, tutors play a much more critical role in setting the foundations necessary to make learning easier and more enjoyable. Our experienced after school tutors can teach study skills, can make learning fun and teach to fit your [...]

Why The SAT & ACT Exams Post COVID 19 Are More Important Than Ever

Four-year colleges may face a loss of up to 20 percent in fall enrollment for 2020 according to SimpsonScarborough, a higher education research and marketing company who has predicted this on the basis of multiple student surveys it has conducted. Students are uncertain that campuses will reopen, and now are reluctant to commit for the fall. Evidence of this is based on surveys of more than 2,000 college-bound high school [...]

5 Ways Tutoring Makes Home Life Easier

HOW DOES LESS STRESS SOUND? “I love working a full day, having no time to decompress, and staying up late to make sure my daughter finishes her homework,” said no parent ever. Work/life balance has always been difficult to achieve even before the pandemic, and while stress has become second nature to so many of us, wouldn’t it be great to alleviate some? This is where tutoring comes in. Sure, [...]

5 Ways To Improve Your SAT Score

Tip 1: To prep for the Reading Test on the SAT, make it a point to read more non-fiction outside the classroom, you could read the articles from the newspaper, magazines like the Economist will also provide passage similar to those found on the Reading Test of the SAT. While reading, do so actively asking yourself what the author’s primary purpose is and what is the tone he uses. This [...]

Secret Weapon For A Great School Year

One secret weapon to a great school year is balance. For children to perform their best this school year, parents should ensure they get a good night’s sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, and have plenty of opportunity for exercise. EXERCISE Parents and educators alike can agree that kids need time to play outside. Outside play stimulates both the mind and the body, promotes better attention and focus in the classroom, [...]

5 Tips That Will Impact Grades This Semester

Whether school comes easy to your child or not, whether he's a straight C student or she's been on the honor roll her entire life, all kids can benefit from proper study habits. Here are 5 easy tips to help improve your child's grades this semester It is never too early or too late to start! Start with the homework that is hardest for your student. If you start with [...]

Setting Challenging But Realistic Expectations For Your Children’s Learning

Parenting isn’t easy. Everyone has an opinion on how you should raise your child, from family members to friends and colleagues, and even strangers. But most parents agree that they want their children to do well in school, and to hopefully develop a love for learning – whether it’s an academic subject, a language, or even a musical instrument. Setting high expectations for your children’s learning is an important part [...]

Red Flags To Academic Struggles

As a parent it is important to recognize, in a timely manner, signs that indicate your child is struggling academically. A first step is to communicate with your child’s school. Your child may also need additional reinforcement to help get back on track. 1. CHANGE IN GRADES & COMMUNICATIONS FROM SCHOOL: Most obvious is a change in subjects in which your child usually likes and does well in. By the [...]

6 Tips For A Successful School Year

As the new school year unfolds, the time is ripe to consider some important tips about creativity, productivity, and well-being so as to inspire parents and kids. Please see these tips for fortifying kids’ capacities now, and throughout the school year. 1. Creativity develops over time, with the right kinds of learning opportunities, challenges, and supports. People are at their most creative when they’re doing what they love to do. [...]

10 Homework Tips That Will Improve Your Grades

Your homework habits might be affecting your grades. Are you staying on track with your assignments? Feeling tired, achy, or bored when it comes to homework time? Are you arguing with parents about your grades? 1. USE A PLANNER Did you know that poor organization skills can reduce your final scores by a whole letter grade? That's why you should learn to use a day planner the right way. Who [...]

Why Is Summer Learning Loss Such A Big Problem

SUMMER LEARNING LOSS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEMOur children are sponges full of information and summer does a really great job of wringing them out and pouring all of that information they soaked up down the drain! In the fall, they come to school rested, sun-tanned and…well…clueless! Getting back all of that lost information that they learned the previous year is a struggle.TAKE A LOOK AT THESE STATISTICS:The average child loses [...]

Goal Setting For Elementary School Kids

This is the perfect time of the year for teaching your children about goal setting! From academic (think: finishing homework on-time and accurate) to athletic (think: making the travel team) to extracurricular (think: practicing your instrument for 30 minutes a day), teaching your kids to set goals at an early age gives them a tool set they can use for the rest of their lives! Here are 5 helpful strategies [...]

5 Ways To Improve Your ACT Score

If your first (or second) ACT score isn't quite what you were hoping for, you probably plan to take the test again. Here are some simple ways to boost your score and improve your college acceptance and scholarship odds. Julie: We recently went through the nail-biting experience of waiting for my son's first ACT score to arrive. When it finally did, his reaction was almost exactly like our daughter's had [...]

How Tutoring Can Help Close The COVID 19 Achievement Gap

As parents, you know all too well that remote learning and the hybrid approach are just not the same for your children as being in school face-to-face with teachers and peers. Since March of 2020, school felt like a car that needed some serious work. It started and stopped, it started and stopped, in that in-person school suddenly converted to full remote learning then a hybrid, followed by in-person, then [...]

How To Improve In Reading & Writing

How can you learn to read and write better? More to the point here: How can you learn to read and write better by reading web pages such as these? First of all: Reading is primary. One can write only as well as one reads. Consider: Not all readers are writers. Many people read newspapers and novels and never write an original word themselves. They can decipher words and sentences [...]

How To Ace Your Next Exam

Not surprisingly, the number one thing you can do to ace your next exam is - Study! But here are some other tips to help you: Test yourself with a practice test Discover your weak areas from the practice test Study again Test yourself again That is the simplified version. For really great results on your finals: Start Early Gather together all the material you have received during the term. [...]

Essential Study Keys

If you have a son or daughter entering middle or high school this coming fall, you may be feeling apprehensive about the increased workload, the increasing difficulty of the curriculum, and the impending expectation that your student will be able to apply proper study habits. Being able to take good notes, engage in active reading, develop study and memorization techniques, and prepare adequately for upcoming tests and quizzes are all [...]

Reducing Stress Is A Great Way To Increase Grades

School is stressful especially in light of a world-wide pandemic that caused at the very least disruption in schooling. Now students are expected to excel in each subject while keeping up with extracurricular activities while being poorly prepared from the past year. According to a special report by EducationWeek, “Since the pandemic began, children and adolescents have had higher rates of anxiety, depression, and stress, and even more specific issues [...]

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